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Why You Should Join Your Special Agent Association


If you are a current or former Special Agent from an 1811 federal law enforcement agency, then you are probably familiar with the various alumni type associations that you can join as a member (i.e Association of Former Agents of the Secret Service or US Marshals Service Association).  These associations are typically nonprofit entities that provide a way for retired Criminal Investigators to maintain relationships, camaraderie, and networks with fellow Special Agents. Some of these associations also routinely collect donations to help support the families of fallen agents.


If you are like me, you probably did not feel inclined to join these associations when you were a newbie agent.  These types of organizations always seemed to be geared towards retired agents who still wanted to be connected to the community in some way.  It's easy to think, "Why would you want to pay a yearly fee to be a member of something when you already have the relationships, camaraderie and networking capabilities of an active Agent in the field? Especially when you probably already pay to be a member of FLEOA and have to additionally pay for personal liability insurance.  Who wants one more annual fee when that can go towards a Netflix subscription? 


Well unbeknownst to me, and I assume to many other special agents as well, there are other fairly cool benefits and reasons to join your respective association.  Like most alumni entities, these groups are looking for ways to encourage members to sign up.  One of the most common ways is by offering benefits or discounts to active members. Unfortunately, it is hard to get these discounts and benefits when your nonprofit group is relatively small, like many of the 1811 law enforcement associations; especially when you are seeking benefits analogous to ones offered by major corporate entities such as the AAA.

Fortunately, retired NCIS Special Agent Joe Orrigo had a great idea. What if all these associations joined together to pool their members in a massive 1811 law enforcement network that would give them the ability to obtain benefits that they could not obtain on their own? Many of the associations loved this idea and it resulted in the forming of the National Association of Federal Law Enforcement Officers (NAFLEO). You have probably never heard of this particular association because it exists only as an internal network for other associations to join and is not a public facing group for individual membership.


I wanted to highlight some of the benefits you get by joining a Special Agent association that is part of the NAFLEO. After we go over the benefits there will be a list of the Special Agent Associations that are a part of the NAFLEO. I will also provide contact information for the NAFLEO if you manage a current Special Agent Association and would like to become a member, thereby extending your membership benefits!


The NAFLEO uses its collective membership strength to obtain great benefits from a vendor group and legal benefits from Legal Shield. NAFLEO is nothing more than a shell organization that was solely established to obtain benefits for each respective agency organization. Interested parties should contact their respective agency and upon membership to their organization will obtain the links to these below standard benefits.

The Benefits:


Hotel Links - Include best in class rates for over 150,000 worldwide hotels. 


Entertainment Program - provides savings of up to 40% off theme parks, movies, sporting events, shows and more. It also provides exclusive discounts and special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows and special events from concerts to Disney to Las Vegas to NY Broadway shows to Cirque du Soleil. It also provides exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets and much more not available to the public.


The Entertainment Program Includes:

• Top Theme Parks Nationwide

• Movie Tickets Nationwide

• Top Las Vegas & New York Broadway Show Tickets

• Great Savings on Disney & Universal Studios Tickets

• Savings of up to 25% on major Rental Cars


Legal Services - Legal Shield, is a nationwide legal service company that provides large discounted legal assistance rates to members who elect to avail themselves of the services. There are no monthly fees until used. There are no costs to the agency or other members. The discounted fees apply only to the member that utilizes the service.


All these aforementioned benefits are currently available to members of the following Special Agent Associations:

If your Special Agent Association is NOT a part of the NAFLEO then you should encourage their executive management team to immediately join by contacting Retired Special Agent Joe Orrigo, President of the NCISA and of the NAFLEO at If you are the current president of a Special Agent Association, then Joe would love to hear from you and explain the benefits of joining the NAFLEO in more detail.


For everyone else reading this blog, consider joining these organizations not only for these discounts, but also to continuously invigorate them with new ideas, activities and new members.

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