Federal Bureau of


The most publicly recognizable and largest 1811 agency in the United States, with National Security, Counterterrorism & Major Fraud responsibilities.   

About- FBI

FBI is the largest 1811 special agent agency in the United States and has authority in many investigative areas.

The FBI was first established on July 26, 1908, and was initially named the Bureau of Investigation (BOI).  In 1932, it was renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation.  The following year, it was linked to the Bureau of Prohibition and rechristened the Division of Investigation (DOI).  In 1935, it became an independent service within the Department of Justice and its name was officially changed to the present-day Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI. 

FBI History

Proper test preparation is among the *most* important steps that applicants need to take if they are seriously considering a career with the FBI.  After careful research and review, I have selected one of the best and most highly reviewed courses available on the market.  READ MY TEST PREP BLOG 

FBI Overview

The FBI has a wide jurisdiction and special agents can investigate crimes involving terrorism, financial fraud, counterintelligence, cyber crime, public corruption, civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime, and violent crime. The FBI often shares concurrent jurisdiction in some crimes, whereas, it may have exclusive jurisdiction in other areas.  In an effort to develop subject matter experts, new special agents are now designated into one of five career paths: Intelligence, Counter-intelligence, Counterterrorism, Criminal, or Cyber.

FBI Investigative Portfolio - Official Website

Straight Talk FBI

Starting from its expansion under J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI is a massive government bureaucracy (14,000+ special agents & 20,000 support staff) that has painstakingly developed its brand with the public; as evidenced by the hundreds of movies, tv shows and books.  Although enviously funded and gratuitously recognized by the media, it is easy for a new special agent to get overwhelmed by the "machine" (Imagine Apple vs. a Start-Up).  The FBI also has the reputation of being a "rigid" and "checklist" based organization that is centrally controlled from HQ; a natural outcome of its high profile investigative areas.  However, most employees are willing to trade off any downfalls for the immediate pride and recognition of being an "FBI agent." 

I would recommend all novice applicants additionally read my related "FBI Profiler" and "So you Want to Be an FBI Agent?" blog posts.   

FBI Requirements

You must meet the following requirements at the time of application:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be between 23 and 36 years of age (Limited Exceptions) 
  • Have a bachelor's degree or master’s degree from a U.S.-accredited college or university. You should not apply if you have not received your bachelor’s degree
  • Have at least two (2) years of full-time professional work experience or one (1) year if you have an advanced degree (master’s degree, doctorate degree)
  • Possess a valid driver’s license and have six months of driving experience
  • Meet the physical requirements
  • Meet all FBI employment eligibility requirements
  • Be able to obtain a Top Secret security clearance
  • If you are currently active duty in the military, you must be within 15 months of completing your service before submitting your application
  • Be available for assignment to any of the FBI’s 56 Field Offices

FBI Hiring Process

Similar to other 1811 investigative agencies, the FBI also has a lengthy hiring process that is coordinated by regional coordinators who are also special agents. Expect the application process to take at least two years.

The FBI has now posted a CONTINUOUS special agent vacancy announcement on USAJobs.gov.

FBI SA Selection

Potential applicants must apply to a posted vacancy announcement to open on their website and USA Jobs.gov.  Applicants are generally evaluated as follows:

1. Online Application

2. Phase I Test (math & reading comprehension skills)

     Official Testing Overview Guide

3. Phase II Test (writing test & Interview)

4. Physical Fitness Test 

Fitness Test Training Tips

5. Conditional Letter

6. Background Investigation

7. Medical Examination

8.  Final Offer - Academy Date


     Academy Overview Guide

See the detailed Applicant Information Guide

Applicants should behave professionally during all aspects of the applicant screening process.  Failure to follow instructions, arriving late for appointments or dressing inappropriately can impact your suitability evaluations!

FBI Academy Quantico, VA

New special agent trainees must complete an in-residence approximately 21 week academy at Quantico, Virginia.

Like most other "1811" academies, the FBI academy has stringent fitness and academic standards.  All trainees must live in a dormitory are expected to follow a provided schedule.  This is not a "stress" environment, which are typical of State & Local police academies.  Trainees are treated like adults, provided with a condensed schedule and expected to follow all rules.     

Click the link below to read more about the FBI academy.  The attached videos also provide a realistic overview of academy training and life. 

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Internship & Collegiate Program

The FBI has a 10-week paid internship and an entry level Collegiate Hire program for soon-to-be or recent graduates.  If you are are serious about joining the FBI, you MUST take advantages of these opportunities!!

Student Internship - Collegiate Program Direct Link

The 26th Street Garage

After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, there were few options left for FBI.  Commandeering an automotive garage, Special Agents began working around the clock in response to the largest crime scene in history, the site of the former World Trade Center (Ground Zero).

This new documentary provides insight to the amazing work done by criminal investigators following this terrible national tragedy. 

CBS News

FBI Pay Scale &

Salary Progression

The FBI developed its own hiring requirements and is consequently categorized within the Excepted Service.  This additionally allows for a starting salary as a GS-10, which is among the highest entry level pay band for Special Agents.

Salary and Compensation: FBI New Agent Trainees (NATs), are initially paid on the GL schedule for Federal Law Enforcement Officers (LEO), beginning as a GL-10, step 1, while in training at Quantico.  In addition to the base salary, NATs also get locality pay for the Washington, D.C. area plus availability pay, which is 25% of the base and locality pay (the calculation is 25% (16,936) x [base + locality or 67,747] = $84,683 - 2020).

Upon graduation from training, the salary will be adjusted according to the field office assignment AND Law Enforcement Officers’ availability pay (additional 25%). Check the OPM Pay Calculator to see locality pay for a specific geographic area. Upon completion of a two year probationary period, Special Agents will transition to the General Schedule (GS) pay scale. 

Most FBI Special Agents are able to achieve a GS-13 level within five (5) years.  The typical salary band progression is as follows:


  • GS-10 (two years and must complete the New Agent Development Program)
  • GS-11 (one year)
  • GS-12 (two years in investigative work)
  • GS-13 (with satisfactory performance and management approval)


A Career Undercover

Retired Special Agent Scott B. spent 25 years as a criminal investigator with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).   

A recent Rolling Stone article reveals his exploits infiltrating domestic terrorists, Nazis and outlaw gangs.  His courage, grit and determination are a credit to the badge and I encourage all to check out the article.  A very small minority of Special Agents become successful undercover agents. 

Rolling Stone Article

Historical G Men Website

In an amazing tribute to his agency, retired Special Agent Larry Wack created an online archive of meticulous research pertaining to the historical origins of the FBI.  Mr. Wack was a credit to the federal law enforcement profession and his family has continued to keep the site online after his passing in 2019.   I encourage all past, present and future FBI special agents to explore this amazing archive.   

Historical G Men Website

Export Enforcement

Coordination Center

Established in 2012, the Export Enforcement Coordination Center or E2C2, was established as an inter-agency deconfliction and information sharing center.  Primarily staffed by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and Office of Export Enforcement (OEE), this coalition of 18+ law enforcement and intelligence agencies serves to prevent the illegal export of military and sensitive technologies to adversaries such as China.       Read More

2 FBI Special Agents Killed

On 2/2/21, while executing a federal Child Pornography warrant in Sunrise, Florida, two FBI Special Agents were killed and an additional three were injured. Tunnel to Towers Foundation notably paid off their mortgages to support the families.  Watch Memorial Video

This is among the worst shootings in FBI history.  Read - FBI Statement

Podcast  Deep Cover:

The Drug Wars

What started as an undercover FBI investigation involving biker gangs, violence and drugs; eventually led to a "dictator with a machete."  Hosted by a pulitzer prize journalist Jake Halpern, this absurd case is beyond entertaining, to say the least.

Deep Cover Podcast

FBI Employment Automatic Disqualifiers

  • Non U.S. Citizenship
  • Conviction of a felony, sex crime and/or a domestic violence misdemeanor.
  • Currently have a federally funded student loan in default.
  • Failure to file income tax returns.
  • Once holding a security clearance that was revoked.
  • Previously failed the FBI polygraph examination or was disqualified for employment during an FBI background.
  • Found in violation of FBI employment policy.
  • Failure to pay court-ordered child support or alimony payments.

In History


In 1975, FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams were murdered at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (South Dakota), while attempting to arrest a dangerous felon. Internally known as the Reservation Murders (RESMURS), details about the incident can be found at:  RESMURS Webpage.

In History 1986 FBI Miami Firefight

In 1986, two serial bank robbers confronted by an FBI surveillance unit started a 150 round firefight.  The shooting resulted in the deaths of FBI SAs Jerry Dove & Ben Grogan and injured five others.  SA Edmundo Mirelles, wounded & bleeding, heroically advanced upon the heavily armed robbers; resulting in their deaths.  This incident was heavily studied and resulted in significant changes to training programs.  It is regarded as one of the most violent & deadly shootouts in FBI history.  Mirelles went on to author FBI Miami Firefight, detailing his experience during the shooting incident. 

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In Memory

Special Agent Samuel S. Hicks - Federal Bureau of Investigation, was fatally shot in 2008 while executing a search warrant against a violent narcotics organization.  READ MORE

FBI Applicant with

Hearing Loss Hired

Although it took applicant Nicole Lopez over four years to overcome the notorious FBI hiring bureaucracy; she managed to convince the suits that she was indeed "special agent material," despite her childhood hearing loss.  The story of her path to the FBI is a tribute to her tenacity, courage and skills. 

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Ana Montes

Espionage Investigation

In 1996, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Counterintelligence Officer/Special Agent Scott Carmichael became increasingly suspicious when DIA Analyst Ana Montes (DIA Podcast) left her post early during an international incident.  As described in his book "True Believer," SA Carmichael's suspicions helped initiate a complex joint investigation with the FBI; which uncovered espionage activities involving Cuba and eventually led to her arrest.

AFIO Interview

In History Harvey Casino bombing

In one of the most bizzare events in modern history, the Harvey's Resort Hotel (NV) bombing took place on August 26–27, 1980, when several men delivered an elaborately booby trapped bomb in the hotel offices; as part of an extortion plot.  After an attempt to disarm the bomb, it exploded causing extensive damage to the hotel but no injuries or deaths. The total cost of the damage was estimated to be around $18 million.

The device is still regarded by the FBI as one of the most unique improvised explosive devices encountered in the Bureau’s history.

FBI Related Podcasts

There are several Podcast either hosted by FBI special agents or about mission areas covered by FBI

1988 Lockerbie Bombing

Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Scotland as a result of a bomb planted by two Libyan nationals; killing 270 people.  On 12/21/20, DOJ announced charges against a 3rd co-conspirator, Abu Agila Muhammad Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi.  This was an FBI led investigation  

DOJ Release

From approx. 1987 to 2001, virtually every single winner of the McMillions game was fraudulent. 

A rookie agent at the time, FBI Special Agent Doug Matthews ran with a "post-it" lead and uncovered a massive multi-million dollar scam that spanned across the U.S. 

A new HBO Documentary (McMillions) now highlights this investigation in-depth.

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In History 1993

CIA HQ Attack 

In 1993, Mir Aimal Kansi ambushed CIA employees outside the Langley HQ facility; resulting in 2 deaths & 3 severe injuries.  He subsequently led DSS and FBI Special Agents in a global manhunt, resulting in his capture in 1997.   

Learn more about this investigation from former SA Bradley Garrett.

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The counterintelligence mission is a vital but often misunderstood responsibility entrusted to Special Agents.  It requires extensive manpower, awareness training, constant surveillance and is a tedious enterprise.  The FBI and military agencies (i.e. OSI, NCIS, CGIS) are the leading organizations in this mission area. 

Silicon Valley Espionage

1811's in History Boston Marathon Bombings

On April 15, 2013, two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, resulting in 265 injuries, 17 lost limbs & four deaths.  The ensuring investigation and manhunt was a massive interagency effort that resulted in the apprehension of the bombers.  Although the post-blast investigation was led by the FBI, SA's from virtually every federal & state agency supported the investigation; as did Boston PD.   


The FBI has extensive counter-intelligence (CI) responsibilities & is typically involved in every major CI investigation CI cases are incredibly complex, lengthy, high profile, and tedious; they additionally require extensive manpower, surveillance and electronic forensics.  However, since these cases involve our national security interests, no expense is spared.  Below is a short list of traitors that have betrayed their country.  Read more about the History of Espionage cases. 

Post 9/11 FBI

No 1811 agency was more intrinsically connected or dramatically altered after 9/11 than the FBI.  The government may have failed as a whole but the FBI missed key indicators that could have disrupted the plot.  Although the FBI has made significant strides in transitioning to a "Domestic Intelligence" role, a 2015 Congressional Report revealed a continued need for improvement. 

A New Era - Read More

Special Agents in History

Oklahoma City Federal Bldg. Bombing - 1995

On April 19, 1995, a domestic terrorist primarily targeting special agents of the ATF, FBI & DEA, detonated a truck bomb in front of the Federal Bldg., resulting in 168 deaths and approximately 680+ injuries.  Due to the presence of a child care center, 19 of the victims were children.  Eight of the victims were federal law enforcement personnel (Secret Service, US Customs (Now HSI), DEA, HUD).  The attackers were motivated by the events of Ruby Ridge & Waco.  The primary bomber was captured and later executed by lethal injection.

Retired FBI Agent Reflects on Oklahoma

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Infamous Special Agents

From 1979 to 2001, then FBI SA Robert Hanssen spied for the Russian Intelligence Services.  As the lead agency for Counter-Intelligence, the FBI had the unenviable task of investigating a mole among their ranks.  

Hanssen sold thousands of classified documents to Russian Intelligence and revealed the identity of several sources, resulting in their deaths.  The investigation eventually involved a UC operation with Eric O'Neil, a support FBI employee.      

A Spy in the FBI-2021 Documentary

The DOJ OIG Report & subsequent Recommendation Summary lays out the historical record in detail. 

Prominent "online celebrity" Michelle Khare was allowed to audit the FBI Academy for publicity purposes. 

The video is actually fairly informative and provides some insight into the FBI Academy & related fitness test. 

YouTube Video

Explore Online Articles

In History

Ruby Ridge Seige

In 1992, what started off as an undercover illegal firearm purchase by the ATF, led to the murder of a U.S. Marshal and ultimately ended up in a siege managed by the FBI.  It also became a rallying cry for White Nationalists & Neo-Nazis for years to come. 

SA Profile Ali Soufan

Former SA Ali Soufan, a native Arabic speaker, provided notable contributions to significant counter-terrorism investigations during his tenure at the FBI from 1997-2005 SA Soufan provided vital investigative assistance in the Jordan Millenium Plot, the USS Cole Bombing and several post 9/11 cases.  After leaving the FBI, he went on to found The Soufan Group and wrote several books.  His life has also been dramatized in the mini-series "The Looming Tower."  Soufan subsequently leveraged the "FBI Brand" & his adventurous 7 years in law enforcement into a successful private sector career.

Jerri Williams

Jerri Williams (retired) served 26 years as a Special Agent with the FBI. During most of her Bureau career she worked major economic fraud investigations.  She is now an authentic crime-fiction author and podcaster. 

Ms. Williams is the host of FBI-Retired Case File Review and authored FBI-Myths & Misconceptions.

Website Link

Vincent Sellers YouTube

Vincent Sellers was only an FBI Special Agent for two short years (2005 - 2007), ultimately deciding that it was not the career or lifestyle for him.   

Although Vince clearly lacks substantive experience & was obviously unsuited for the job, he is a great communicator & made  informative YouTube videos to help prospective FBI applicants.  Of course ; he also wrote a book (Eyes Pried Open) to capitalize on the "FBI Brand."  I would normally never endorse an inexperienced/rookie SA who didn't last 2  years;  but his videos are accessible and accurate.  The bulk of Vincent's advice concerns the application & academy experience; and he provides invaluable information to prospective applicants.

Other Notable FBI Special Agents & Personnel

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