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So you want to be a Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent?

Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is the premier international federal law enforcement security service for the U.S. Government and has primary responsibility for the safety and security of diplomatic facilities located abroad, in addition to maintaining a full time protective detail for the Secretary of State.   DSS Special Agents must also coordinate visiting heads of states, manage security arrangements for foreign diplomatic facilities in the United States, and investigate visa & passport fraud.  DSS is truly global in nature, with the largest presence of federal agents posted in overseas locations.     

Reality of DSS

Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is primarily oriented towards protection and international security responsibilities, both of which can be extremely high profile in nature.  A new DSS special agent will likely travel extensively all over the world in support of various operations.  DSS special agents also typically follow a career-path that includes a domestic assignment, a likely rotation to the Secretary of State Detail (Washington, DC) and an international assignment (U.S. Consulate or Embassy).  Consequently, DSS Special Agents should expect multiple geographical transfers throughout the duration of their career. 

It cannot be understated that DSS Special Agents are routinely called upon to successfully manage dangerous situations at diplomatic facilities.  Some news articles below have captured the myriad of relatively unknown events that threatened U.S. personnel abroad, in addition to highlighting new challenges:

Domestic Investigations vs. International Operations

Due to the relatively low key nature of the investigative portfolio, DSS Special Agents assigned to domestic offices typically conduct investigations that are limited to visa and passport fraud.  Additionally, more often than not, domestic agents are tapped to support short term temporary duty assignments wherever there is a need or in support of major diplomatic events (i.e. United Nations General Assembly).  Although there are various task force opportunities (i.e. with FBI and HSI), the majority of domestic based DSS special agents stay focused on their assigned investigative area and use this opportunity to "re-charge" after international assignments.     

The international operations portfolio managed by DSS is like nothing else within the special agent community and is the ladre cadre of federal agents abroad.  DSS Special Agents posted overseas are known as "Regional Security Officers" or "RSOs" and are located in every* country that has a U.S. government diplomatic facility.  RSOs have primary responsibility for all security at a consulate or embassy, have operational control of Marine Security Guard (MSG) Detachments and run a number of programmatic areas.   This includes formal programs such as the Rewards for Justice, the International Law Enforcement Academies, and security for US teams at major international events (i.e. Olympics, World Cup).  DSS Special Agents must also manage the day to day safety of diplomatic personnel, visiting government employees, and are regularly called upon to facilitate the rescue of U.S. citizens abroad.  The depth and breadth of DSS overseas responsibilities are truly staggering and they are considered the final word on all matters of security.  More often than not, DSS is the first call that diplomats make when they find themselves in unfortunate situations or detained by host nation security forces.   

Other Things about the Diplomatic Security Service

The majority of the DSS Offices are located overseas, however, they maintain regional offices in most major U.S. Cities.  A few things the prospective applicant should note:

  • DSS is very unique in its mission and responsibilities when compared to any other 1811 organization.  No other federal law enforcement agency has the comprehensive overseas security portfolio like DSS.  This also includes:
  • Running a protective service detail for the U.S. Ambassador or Consulate Chief of Mission.
  • Maintaining a contract security guard force and host nation investigators. 
  • Approving all inbound travel and approving "no/no-go" locations for diplomatic personnel.
  • Education and Training Diplomatic Personnel on basic security procedures.
  • Responsibility for running an effective counter-intelligence program to defend against foreign intelligence services and terrorist groups.
  • Maintaining the Mobile Security Deployment (MSD) to respond to a worldwide crisis.   
  • Managing various joint foreign training programs.
  • Responding to diplomats or U.S. facilities in distress. 
  • Like comparable 1811 agencies, all DSS Special Agents are assigned a take-home vehicle, both domestically and at overseas locations.
  • Mandatory and short notice temporary duties are a frequent occurrence throughout a DSS career. 
  • DSS Special Agents should expect at least one assignment in a third world or dangerous country.
  • All DSS trainees must complete the basic Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) and a follow-on DSS Specific Course.  The follow-on course focuses heavily on protection and tactical skills for survival in hostile overseas location.  Additionally, as of 2023, new DSS Special Agents must complete the 11-week Advanced Tactics, Leadership, and Skills Course within one year of appointment. 

Getting Hired with the Diplomatic Security Service

  • An appointment with DSS also means joining the Foreign Service of the U.S. State Department.  This is fairly uncommon within the 1811 community but naturally results in a different hiring process.  DSS Special Agents must routinely operate in foreign environments without any "formal" legal authority, consequently, they must rely upon their "soft" or "diplomatic" skills. 
  • DSS Requires an extensive "Personal Narrative" that brings attention to core resume skills, in addition to a "Statement of Interest" that outlines the motivation for joining the Foreign Service.
  • The DSS interview process includes a non-law enforcement representative from the Foreign Service. 

  • The 2023 DSS Brochure does a great job of outline some of the basic functions and job responsibilities.


  • Although a bit dated, this 2011 GAO Report on DSS gives a fantastic insider perspective on the myriad of programs, responsibilities and training facilities operated by DSS. 

  • DSS is very security conscious due to the high foreign intelligence threat posed by foreign adversaries.  Serious applicants should start taking their personal digital security seriously.  Read my blog "Basic Online Security for Special Agents.

  • Former DSS Special Agent Cody Perron maintains an excellent YouTube site where he addresses the hiring process, details of training, the assignment bidding process, career development and day to day operations.  It is a must visit resource for prospective applicants. 

In Conclusion

Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) offers a rewarding federal law enforcement career with the foreign service and the opportunity to concurrently serve as a foreign based diplomat.  The protective and security responsibilities are vital to our national interest and the foreign travel is truly for the adventurous.

Review my comprehensive Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Profile Page to learn more.   

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