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Why I became a Special Agent?

I became a Special Agent for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to make a difference. 

I have never been "money-motivated" and always aspired to be in an exciting career field that gave me the freedom to use my skills in service of the public good. Luckily the Special Agent position has been everything that I had imagined. During my tenure at HSI, I have arrested narcotics traffickers, infiltrated criminal organizations, rescued child victims, disrupted black market syndicates, traveled overseas and even met world leaders. I have seized millions of dollars from criminals, testified in vital court proceedings, written affidavits that took away freedoms from dirtbags and provided aid to my fellow citizens during natural disasters. This is not simply a job, it is a higher calling.

I know that the my next warrant could be my last. I know that flying in helicopters for high risk operations or driving at excessive speeds to surveil suspects is inherently dangerous. I also know there are many other professions that pay more money, offer a better quality of life and are much more prestigious. I don't care.

Above all, I routinely get to work with people who are honest, fearless, independent and carry a patriotic sense of duty (I doubt such a description could be applied to the Apple or HP workforce). These criminal investigators, analysts and support staff routinely work against all odds, to make things happen. 

I am a Special Agent and a federal public servant. This is my chosen vocation, mission and opportunity to make a difference with my life. I am literally entrusted by my fellow citizens with a "badge & gun" and actively encouraged to "fight crime" on behalf of the public good. As former ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns often states, one cannot think of a higher honor. 

As a Special Agent, one should always be willing to run towards the sound of gunfire, to give their life for a complete stranger and to be content with exiting this world with little to no fanfare; all in the service of their country. 

As the famous lore goes in Ernest Shackleton's unbelievable expedition:

Men wanted for hazardous journey.

Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness.

Safe return doubtful.

Honour and recognition in event of success.

If any of the above piques your interest, then I highly encourage you to apply for a criminal investigator position within the United States government.  Conversely, if you are simply obsessed with the job title, are only doing this for the pension or are a certified "slacker," then I encourage you to move along as this is definitely not the job for you. 

If you are truly interested in a career as a Special Agent, next start by reading one of my Agency Profiles and the following Blog Posts to learn more on how to prepare for this career:

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