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In mid-2020, a number of news outlets made several sensational accusations related to the use of unmarked police vehicles by federal law enforcement officers. In one particular occasion, much "hoopla" was given to an incident in which two marked federal agents exit a minivan and detained a suspected rioter. This unfortunate hysteria, in somes cases perpetuated by seemingly reputable media outlets, has successfully spread disinformation among the general public.
First and foremost, for anyone that can read English , the use of unmarked law enforcement vehicles is a recognized, legal, and necessary law enforcement tool. Imagine if police detectives could only conduct surveillance of homicide suspects in marked police cars; we would never catch murderers at large! Similarly, virtually ALL 1811 special agents are assigned unmarked law enforcement vehicles, which they are authorized to use for any required operations (i.e. search warrants, arrests, surveillance, felony car stops, etc.). It is entirely legally appropriate for federal agents to detain a person while exiting from an unmarked vehicle; something I personally have done several times in my career in order to detain or arrest suspects.
Secondly, federal agents can make arrests for federal violations at ANY location within the United States & its territories. To imply that their authority was limited to the federal courthouse property was idiotic at best.
Third, the apprehending officers had no obligation to verbally engage with other protestors; who obviously were there to antagonize and escalate the situation.
Finally, the arresting officers clearly wore yellow "POLICE" marking tapes and were immediately identifiable as law enforcement officers to any reasonable person ( Video ). To label them as the "gestapo" or "secret police" is disingenuous at best and more analogous to foilhead theories of the "deep-state."
This again appears to be the ongoing politicization of federal law enforcement, which results in great harm to our civic institutions. I urge all to look at the facts and perhaps seek advice from a professional law enforcement officer on such a topic before rushing to judgment.