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Special Agent Test Prep

Successfully navigating the various Special Agent exams can be a very tricky process and most agencies have limited or oftentimes outdated guidance available for applicants.  Worse yet, many unscrupulous companies have simply reprinted government guides (which are free for applicants) in order to make a quick buck. 

Conversely, taking the entrance exams with limited preparation is a surefire way to fail and most agencies subsequently require a one to two year waiting period before you are allowed to re-apply.  This is a huge mistake for applicants when time is always of the essence due to factors such as retirement contributions, pay progression, minimum entry age, etc.    The overall 1811 criminal investigator selection process can easily take an average of two years and failing the initial exams will immediately move you to the back of that dreaded line.   

Depending on the agency application process, the consequences of a test failure can be even worse.  In some cases, applicants are invited to take the test *after* passing an initial qualifications (i.e. resume) review.  Not all applicants pass the qualifications review and subsequently failing the standard entry test can result in disastrous delays for someone pursuing a career in federal law enforcement.  Add this to the standard delays built within the government bureaucracy, budget fluctuations and spontaneous hiring freezes. 

The reality is that after failing the entrance exam, many applicants simply quit the process.  Consequently, I encourage every Special Agent Applicant to take the entry level exam process extremely seriously.  You should be investing in a significant amount of study time (rather than posting & reading nonsense on various forums) and mastering the practice tests.  There should be no doubt in your mind before taking the test about your chances of passing. 

After much review and research over a period of a year, I have finally located a legitimate, comprehensive and valuable test preparation program for aspiring special agents.  The Sgt. Godoy test instruction is high quality, the content is above and beyond what is provided in the free government guides and the costs are very reasonable for such a focused preparation packet.  The video based tutorials, practice questions and detailed answers are beyond helpful for 1811 candidates.  The test prep packets also includes bonus material that covers the interview process and psych exam. 

The below Sgt. Godoy test preparation packets currently cover the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) applicant process.  Unbelievably, this test guide currently has a 4.8 rating based on 811 reviews on Shopper Approved (As of 6/23/2021).  I noticed that no other 1811 test prep guide comes even close to this approval rating.   I will continue watching Sgt. Godoy's site and provide updates if he adds similar guides for other 1811 agencies.  Additionally, I will keep a close eye on the aggregate reviews to ensure his rankings are high enough to warrant my continued endorsement.     

I again urge you to take this exam process seriously and consider such a test prep program to maximize your chances of success.  Remember, every major profession (Medical, Legal, Finance) has these types of entry exams and virtually all serious candidates use test prep services to dramatically improve their likelihood of success.  This recommended test prep may not be the right fit for you but I strongly recommend a similar alternative.  Your future absolutely depends on it! 

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