Blog Layout


My Special Agent blog website started off as just an idea in 2008.  I started to notice a number of garbage sites peddling useless information to potential 1811 applicants, mostly in the hopes of making a quick buck.  I also realized there was an absence of a central repository of information pertaining to the 1811 - Criminal Investigator position.  Thus was born the idea of a website dedicated to the Special Agent profession.  Of course, I had the idea but clearly lacked the requisite website building skills.  My first attempt using "" was an unmitigated disaster and resulted in digital junk.  However, it did lay down an outline for future site project. Eventually the web development tools became more and more user friendly.  One day I noticed a "website" for life purchase ad and quickly bought the site on the off chance it could work.  It took another two years of trial and error before the basic SA Blog site finally went online in early 2020. 

I have turned my site into a clearinghouse of ALL information related to the 1811 federal law enforcement agencies.  Additionally, since this is not a government run site, I can include informative and entertaining content such as videos, news articles and links to relevant books.  There are currently many other professions (i.e. uniform officers, doctors, lawyers) that have similar sites but SA Blog is committed to leading in unique content, variety and scale.

I thank all who have found my site, taken advantage of my content and contributed to its success.  Good luck to all past, current and future special agents! 

November 23, 2024
Real Trouble at the U.S. Secret Service November 2024
April 22, 2024
Retirement Planning Vital For Your Future
By Mike March 23, 2024
Special Agent Career information and the world of Security Clearance Investigations in the Federal Government
By Mike February 24, 2024
Sound of Freedom and Human Trafficking, Fact or Fiction? What are the real threats that parents need to be concerned about. Learn how to keep your child safe on the internet
February 11, 2024
This post provides a comprehensive list of educational scholarships to assist students interested in the criminal investigator profession.
By Mike November 6, 2023
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are an often misunderstood complement to health insurance plans available to federal employees that can result in substantial savings for the savvy user. It is uniquely suitable for younger employees that have little to no medical expenses.
By Mike September 11, 2023
A Well Equipped G-Ride
By Mike July 29, 2023
Good Agents Answer Their Phone
IRS, IRS Agent, IRS Special Agent, IRS Criminal Investigation, IRS Guns, IRS Auditors
July 16, 2023
So you want to be an IRS Special Agent?
February 20, 2023
Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), Special Agent
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